
2 thoughts that bothered me when I was 9 years old.

When I was 9 years old I just heard about the big bang theory, that the universe started from a "Big Bang" then it just continued to expand from there, then when it comes to the point where it can expand anymore it will begin to collapse into what scientists will call the "Big Crunch", though that is not what bothers me and that is a story for another time.

What keeps me late up night thinking is this- if the universe is expanding, it means that it grows, so there must be an endpoint.  What if there is a spaceship that can allow us to travel into the edge of the universe, what then can we see beyond it?

The other thought that bothers me is this: if the universe started with the Big Bang, what was there before that?

Try to think about it.

Is there really an end to space?  Is there really a beginning in time?

-access out. God speed!
visit the Original Post-http://pinoy-access.blogspot.com

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